Welcome to the Homepage of the Hong Kong Maritime and Port Board (HKMPB).

The inception of HKMPB in April 2016 provides a high-level platform for the Government to work in partnership with the industry for the betterment of our maritime and port sectors. The key objectives of the HKMPB are to set the direction for the long-term development of Hong Kong's port and maritime services, foster the development of maritime manpower, and devise promotion strategies and initiatives to enhance Hong Kong's status as an international maritime centre. As its vision statement goes, “building on the vibrant port and established shipping heritage as an international maritime centre, Hong Kong will be further consolidated into a major maritime services hub through effective governance, policies and practices for the maritime cluster, with good synergy with shipping and port operations.”

The HKMPB consists of a wide representation of expertise and knowledge from the industry, academia and relevant industry bodies, enabling seamless communication and collaboration between the Government and the trade. Through the HKMPB, we will continue to work together to formulate holistic strategies to reinforce Hong Kong’s position as an international maritime centre and raise the community’s understanding and support of Hong Kong’s maritime industry.

In this Homepage, you will find comprehensive information about HKMPB’s organisation, objectives and latest news on our activities. I hope that you will find this homepage useful and informative.

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Membership of Hong Kong Maritime and Port Board


Secretary for Transport and Logistics

Deputy Chairman

Permanent Secretary for Transport and Logistics

Chairman, Maritime and Port Development Committee

Captain Bjorn HOJGAARD

Chairman, Manpower Development Committee

Mr Timothy LEE Kwok-lam

Chairman, Promotion and External Relations Committee

Mr Wellington KOO Tse-hau, J.P.


Ms Abby CHAN Shuk-bing

Captain CHEUNG Sai-teng

Mr Logan CHONG Chiu-ming

Mr Ivor CHOW

Mr Ryan IP Man-ki

Captain Marso LAW Kwun-pan

Mr Edward LIU Yang, M.H.

Mr Horace LO Wai-man

Mr SO Wing-wah

The Honourable Frankie YICK Chi-ming, G.B.S., J.P.

Mr Chris ZHAO Peng

Hong Kong Container Terminal Operators Association (Represented by Mr Patrick LAM Hing-man)

Hong Kong Liner Shipping Association (Represented by Mr Roberto GIANNETTA)

Hong Kong Shipowners Association (Represented by Mr Angad BANGA, J.P.)

The Hong Kong Shippers’ Council (Represented by Mr Willy LIN Sun-mo, G.B.S., J.P.)

Hong Kong Transport and Logistics Association (Represented by Mr William LEUNG King-wai)

Institute of Seatransport (Represented by Captain Lothair LAM Ming-fung)

Hong Kong Trade Development Council (Represented by Ms Margaret FONG)

Vocational Training Council (Represented by Mr Donald TONG Chi-keung, G.B.S., J.P)

Director of Marine

Director-General of Investment Promotion


Deputy Secretary for Transport and Logistics