One of the HKMPB's objectives is to join hands with the maritime and port industry to support and promote Hong Kong as an international maritime centre. Various local and overseas Activities and Visits are organised to unite and showcase Hong Kong's maritime industry as a strong cluster, raise the community's awareness of the significant economic contributions of our maritime and port industries and promote Hong Kong as a preferred base for operating maritime business.

July 2024
Maritime and Aviation Internship Scheme - Boat Tour cum Sharing Session 2024, Visits to the Government Dockyard and the Pacific Basin Shipping Limited
July - August 2023
Maritime and Aviation Internship Scheme - Boat Tour cum Sharing Session 2023, Visits to the Modern Terminals Limited, and the Government Dockyard
July – August 2022
Maritime and Aviation Internship Scheme - Visits to the Government Dockyard and Boat Tour 2022
August 2021
Maritime and Aviation Internship Scheme - Visit to the Government Dockyard and Boat Tour 2021
July 2019
Maritime and Aviation Internship Scheme - Cocktail Reception 2019, Visits to the Hongkong United Dockyards Limited and Government Dockyard